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Total Solar Eclipse & 9 Conjunctions

Wassail Beautiful People,

It’s here at last. The solar eclipse at 19° Aries in triple conjunction with Chiron on the 8th of April 2024. If you’ve been doing the 12-column exercise, I congratulate you for taking this eclipse tunnel opportunity to empower your own growth. Well done for believing in yourself to grasp this cosmic moment and shed some old thought patterns, seeking your own personal solutions from within your consciousness.

Musical Alchemy of Astrology Deck - soon available for pre-ordering.

You are amazing and truly walking a higher spiritual pathway to healing your soul and understanding how you create a stronger connection with your truest life purpose. Give yourself a round of applause and a massive pat on the back. Here’s a reminder of the shadow feasting work you’ve been achieving during the 12 column exercise.

Talking with friends about what has been arising for them during this eclipse tunnel things seem to fall into three main areas:

1/ Emotional puzzles that occurred six months ago during the last eclipse tunnel.

2/ Returning issues that first materialised in their lives back in 2017.

3/ Finally clearing the emotional fogs that surround their primal wounds they’ve carried since childhood.

Why!?! I hear you cry.

The Gyfu Effect

Liffruma Healing Oracle Deck - available now for purchase

Gyfu is the 7th rune in the Elder Futhark of the original 24 runes. It represents the phonetic sound of 'g' or 'j'. There is much debate on the pronunciation of both runic letters but what is known is that it represents union or gifts. The Liffruma Gyfu reminds us of gifts we have earned through discipline and resilience. The merging of sacred moments that offer new endeavours forward.

Each rune card in the Liffruma Healing Oracle deck has 13 word bursts to help you dig deeper into the meaning behind each rune separate to the poem on the card. Just head to the rune section and tap on the card to open the extra information.

Sacred Union


Merging Together









Sex Magic


2023 Emotional Shadows

The first cosmic Gyfu effect creates an 'X marks the spot' map over North America and is linked to the lunar eclipse from October 2023. I love it when the cosmos plays huge games in the ballet of the Music of the Spheres.

Lunar Eclipse 2023 & Solar Eclipse 2024:

The centre of the point of this lunar and solar eclipse Gyfu pathway of power is over San Antonio in Texas.

Let’s put up the charts of these lunar and solar eclipses to help you see the energetic differences between these two events just six months apart.

Notice how much more tangled with red-aspected energies the lunar eclipse chart is, six months ago, as Earth’s shadow fell across the face of the moon and the pathway the moon drew across the face of the Earth during this event. Things that require actioning.

This is why as you exit this current solar eclipse tunnel, emotional tensions from 2023 may arise to be faced, understood and integrated into a frequency of loving self-appreciation of why you experienced something that at first appeared deeply uncomfortable. Don’t worry if nothing has cropped up, this opportunity will flow gently offering hope for the next six months heading towards the next eclipse tunnel. Just hold the intention to transform any emotional discomforts that arise when they naturally do. Don’t force the issue as the Cosmos is working with you.

2017 Dematerialising Old Blockages

The second Gyfu effect is obviously again over North America but this one has its origins in the solar eclipse of 2017.

For the 2017 and 2024 solar eclipses, 'X marks the spot' over Cedar Lake in Jackson County, Illinois.

Again let’s look at the charts for the two events that create this Gyfu magic.

The 2017 solar eclipse drew a much calmer and more benevolent pathway than the lunar eclipse in 2023. The red-line power points of interruption are caused by the placements of:

Uranus to Venus to Jupiter to Pluto: The cosmos opened a frequency to reset the higher heart by expanding a sense of futility within us. A frequency to abuse us and confuse us so that we might prepare ourselves for the current times and the changes afoot all around the globe.

Neptune and Mercury in opposition to each other and both retrograde. Challenging us to voice our concerns on what in our world is a delusion that we are not ready to call out and clear. Things we would carry with us for 7 years. It is time to review what’s really true for you now, today. You can fix these struggles as you move through the coming six months plus there are a couple of huge cosmic events that will assist us all if we are driven to attend to our own growth and healing in 2024.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus on the 20th/21st April. Then Pluto has one last peep back into Capricorn and its last two decades there. On the 20th of November Pluto finally settles back into Aquarius for the next 20 years. These events are realigning the patterns from 2017.

How then do you move forwards as this total solar eclipse door opens and lights up your pathway for the coming six months? Let’s take a look in detail at the planetary chart for the first solar eclipse of 2024 to see the aspects that favour us all as we exit the Ianus Geminus. What a fascinating chart it is too.

The first thing to observe is the vast bunching up of all the planetary players in just one arena, from Mars at 13° of Pisces to Uranus (ssh Gaia!) at 21° of Taurus. Everyone is there except Pluto sitting at 1° of Aquarius. This means all the personal and collective bodies are crammed into just three zodiac houses; Pisces, Aries & Taurus. That’s just 68° out of the entire 360°!

Then notice the nine conjunction points within this 68° line up; Conjunctions are when planets or asteroids pass in front of each other and are measured in degrees known as orbs from 0° to 10° depending on the astrologer. I tend to sense this frequency at about 5° personally. So before they reach 0° they are considered to be applying, meaning the two fields of influence are creating accessible energetic opportunities. After their meeting at 0° they are said to be separating, meaning that the energy they offered for transformation is clearing and we can appreciate the sense of change we created in our journeys forward from that moment. These orbs of influence are defined in degrees and minutes.

The Nine Conjunctions

Each conjunction offers opportunities to focus your intentions and transform aspects of your shadow-self. Which of the nine are affecting you? Only you will know, so we are showing you all of them to help focus your intuition. At first you will be guided in how to look within the cards to see possible solutions. As you get to understand how to search for your own solutions, the written guidance lessens giving you more agency to seek your personal relationships with the planetary alignments. Only you can truly heal yourself. Not all conjunctions will speak to you either. Just work with what chimes with your pathway right now.

Mars conjunct Saturn 1° 24’ orb applying:

Both in House Pisces, Mars at 13°03’ and Saturn at 14°27’. This suggests how to release sacred rage and move to a frequency of becoming non-judgemental. Realising that the frustrations we feel within from the reactions and behaviours of others is a self-created projection of shadows within ourselves we don’t wish to face. Note the change from the Inner Martial Drumming of Mars to the Primordial Drumming of Saturn. Raw inner masculine fury to the Natural World Lore of flowing with the divine masculine energies. This is such a powerful release point in House 12. Look and see which columns you assigned to Mars and Saturn for a deeper understanding of your personal healing available with this first conjunction.

Neptune conjunct Venus 6°15’ separating:

Here we have Venus bringing us an awareness of the true desires within our hearts. Those foggy blockages of 2017 are open to being lifted. Here we see how Venus was in Pisces at the peak point of the conjunction with Neptune but has now crossed from Pisces to Aries which Neptune will also do in 2025/26. Neptune ingresses into Aries and slips back out into Pisces but will be in Aries proper from 26th of January 2026. Neptune will remain at 0° of Aries waiting to be joined by Saturn a month later. This Neptune-Saturn conjunction will be a major event as they're both generational planets. This conjuction at 0º of Aries marks the ending of the last cycle and the beginning of the new 165-year conjunction cycle. Again the ballet of the Music of the Spheres is awe-inspiring just now, which is why we must all join in this dance.

Sun conjunct Moon 0° peak power point:

The big one. The total solar eclipse in Aries. The moon’s emotional cosmic mirror will obscure the light of the sun recharging our emotional reflection moving forwards. The moon's shadowy shimmering tremelo strings are swamped by the returning radiant trombone octet of the sun. The joy the third eye can bring to the laughter in the solar plexus is pure gold and silver merging within us, as the shining noble metals of consciousness are anchored into our physical vessels. A sacred moment for each of us exiting the Ianus Geminus as a living temple of divinity.

Sun conjunct Chiron 0°01’ applying:

Straddling realms to tune in, align and be healed. Feeling the poignant power of the Sun’s light that supports all life. Centred and healed from the primal wounds that held us trapped in the stagnant labyrinth. Time to step into the journey of the Stellar Nursery.

Moon conjunct Chiron 0°01’ applying:

Emotionally healed. Healing all the shadows we keep hidden. Acceptance of primal wounds that were the reflective light we shone into our world. The old experiences we reflected into our world and onto others must be illuminated. The wounds that held us trapped in victim-mentality.

Mercury (Retrograde) conjunct Sun 5°23’ applying:

The sense here is learning to charm yourself so you might step further into new patterns of self-appreciation. There is a chance to surge ahead with tremendous energy as quicksilver and gold combine.

Mercury (Retrograde) conjunct Moon 5°23 applying:

Being mesmerised by the shimmering charm of new emotional truths within. Quicksilver is the mutable magic of opening channels into the heart of the moon’s veils. The silver of the moon’s intuition calming the speed of thoughts to slow us into the heart of wondrous magic.

Mercury (Retrograde) conjunct Chiron 5° 22’ applying:

Allowing yourself permission to be healed. To let go of all issues that block your pathway to living joyfully.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus 2° 07’ applying:

This is a massive conjunction but it doesn’t peak for a fortnight. We'll look into this one separately in a future blog.

There are also two aspects with Pluto that require observation at this point as they are linked to Pluto’s final push into Aquarius at the end of this year. These will also be covered at a date closer to the event. Just be aware right now that they offer a pointer to pay attention to both Neptune and Venus as they are currently in a sextile aspect to Pluto.

Pluto sextile Neptune is a very slow-moving aspect that began around 1944 and will finish in about 11 years. Dig into where this aspect is in your natal chart and see which two zodiac signs Pluto and Neptune were in when you were born and which houses they were. For me Pluto was in Virgo, my House 10 and Neptune in Scorpio, my House 1. It is worth seeing if there are any clues here that shed light on your primal wounds, so also check out where Chiron was in your natal chart. My Chiron was at 0° Aries, my House 4, so Neptune is currently in a tight 2° orb, a slow moving and applying conjunction while transiting Pluto has just trined with my natal Chiron and is about to return there again. See what you can find to explain the current healing you are experiencing.

Here’s the Soundcloud reading to help you all.

Ok okay that’s more information than most people require on the subject of astrology but if you know me you know I like to dive deeply to help empower everyone to their personal self healing. Thanks for getting this far into what was meant to be a short blog! Short blogging and short chatting ain’t my thing.


Oh the hidden gem image needs answering too. Apologies people. So where exactly is Kvasir hidden in the Liffruma deck?

So as with most of the hidden images there are clues to the solution found by digging into the mythology behind the origins of the hidden gem silhouette.

Kvasir was created after the war between the gods of Asgard and Vanaheimr. After peace was brokered between the warring gods they shook hands and each spat into a spittoon before they departed back to their respective realms. From that heavenly saliva Kvasir was born. Kvasir was the personification of wisdom and knowledge beyond that of all the gods that spat.

He travelled the nine realms sharing knowledge with all to assist the growth of the seeds of peace that had been planted. That was until two dwarves Fjalar and Galar tricked Kvasir into their home and killed him. They mixed his blood with honey to create a magical mead, filling three cauldrons called Són, Boðn and Óðrerir. The two dwarfs lied by saying that Kvasir had died suffocating on his own intelligence.

Whoever drank of this mead would become a poet or scholar. To protect this sacred mead it was guarded by a giant, Suttungr. He stored the mead in a mountain called Hnitbjörg where his daughter, Gunnlöd, helped to guard it.

So which two cards hide the moment of Kvasir’s transformation into the Mead of Poetry?

71 Cnafa & 29 Eorðgráp

Of course. Cnafa is the knave that is blood scented and Eorðgráp speaks of returning from death. Transformations after wars and returning to the Earth what belongs to the Earth. A reminder of the eternal nature of our spiritual light.

Please tell me you can see this one? At least the honeycomb surely? No? Here’s the white silhouette then.

7129 The poetry of Kvasir

The Mead of Poetry was born from peace

Then transformed through greed and jealousy

Mixing sacred blood with honey.

This mystical magic

Made from knowledge and wisdom of all things

Sings to you now

As the sweetest scent wafting down from Álfheimr.

Here to inspire,

To fill you with fire

The Spiritual desire

To live higher and wiser.

A oneness with the Elven ring

To bring the unity-song

To sing its blisses through your world

With every breath and every step

Creatively empowering

Your life truly flowering.

The next new moon will fall on the 8th of May at 3:21 GMT or UT. For the next moon we offer you the chance to seek another hidden gem with a poem that will be revealed at this new moon in Taurus. This time you might have to change the way you search. It’s differently oriented to reshape the way you seek it.

So get digging online to discover the mythology that might help you to uncover the two cards hiding this secretive sword.

For those who aren’t aware I will only be posting here on our Liffruma website and on the Liffruma Soundcloud from now on. My posts will also be less frequent but more valuable. I’m going to honour the decks we have created at Liffruma and offer ways in which you can empower yourselves to grow and heal.

Remember it is extremely easy to hand control of your pathway over to others. We want to help you take back your power and find your truth. Feel free to share any of our Liffruma posts with your friends on social media and get your friends to subscribe to Together we can all explore, grow and heal.

Love to you all until next time.



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6 תגובות

Kiki Laviolette
Kiki Laviolette
12 באפר׳

Thank you Russell for all the precious gifts! You help me so much in my own journey on this planet and beyond! Happy to connect with your Poi Poi again! Will you notice us by email when the new deck will be ready to pre-order? Much love to you and the team!💚

15 באפר׳
בתשובה לפוסט של

Absolutely we will email all of the Liffruma community as soon as we have the release date.

Much love to you Kiki


07 באפר׳

Cool as Always Russell!

15 באפר׳
בתשובה לפוסט של

Aww cheers Ricky


Holly Kountz
Holly Kountz
07 באפר׳

Journeys evolution continues. Sending so much love and heartfelt gratitude for including us all on your carpet ride toward destinies we've yet to discover.

15 באפר׳
בתשובה לפוסט של

The blogs are flowing so much more freely now I’m devoting my focus on building a community here. It was time to move away from YouTube to create something new. Thanks for your wonderful support for so long Holly 🩵

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