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The Runic Power Within Your Name

Runes are symbols brimming with hidden fractal magic. Each rune contains energetic signatures that inform the potential of not just our names but all words both written and spoken. This highlights the difference between written Seidr magic and spoken Galdr magic.


An ancient mystical practise of tethering magic from the etheric into this physical realm. Visions were conjured by practitioners offering prophetic possibilities. If these visions suited you, you could Seidr them (actioning through imagining them) into your reality. The idea being that you cannot materialise that which has no presence in the prophesy. Though we now understand that prophesies are spirits nudging us with inspiration so we can choose what we might conjure into our reality.

Wanting to leap further ahead than you are ready to experience will not materialise your dreams. Seidr needs to start small and each shift will open new possibilities leading to your ultimate desire. Follow the esoteric breadcrumbs offered.


Galdr is to call in magic through chanting words or singing spells vocalizing the germination of the visions you wish to make real in the physical. Casting a spoken spell net to capture the wisps waving from within the conscious void vying to materialise.

Practitioners of both Seidr and Galdr could be of either gender but were more commonly women. Men in these early Nordic societies were expected to be warriors or protectors. Though the weaving of magic was seen as a necessary complement to living it was more commonly practiced by women perhaps because they had experienced creating life through birth.

For those who don’t know, Liffruma means Source or God or the source of love. We just love this word and that is why it chose to be the name of the deck. Liffruma is behind all things in life.

So if all words have power then so do our names. There are many things to consider when converting your name into the runic script. Each rune has its own powerful magic behind it but also different runes were drawn and shaped at different times in history and by different cultures that were adopting them. Also we obviously have names we pronounce that often suit our modern tongues so it is a bit of a personal jigsaw puzzle as to the runes you select and what power they hold within them. Before I offer you the means to convert your name let me begin by explaining my own name in runes.


Let’s take a look at the mystical frequencies behind the names of some of us at Liffruma. So my name, as you know, is RUSSELL and so becomes ᚱᚢᛋᛋᛖᛚᛚ in the runic script.

Double letters can either increase the potency of the energy or might highlight an energetic area that is harder to integrate into the self and so will need more attention to move into its fullest magical truth.

ᚱ R Movement or Flow

ᚢ U Free to Be

ᛋ S Lightning Bolt - Charge of New Life Force

ᛋ S Lightning Bolt - Charge of New Life Force

ᛖ E Cosmic Consolidation - Spiritual Steeping

ᛚ L Radiant Life Force Plus Inspiration

ᛚ L Radiant Life Force Plus Inspiration

The interpretation of the cards and the poetry contained within gives us clues to the energies behind our names. So RUSSELL opens with the frequencies of Rād, journeying towards Ūr, being free. The shock of this freedom might cause a stutter or stumble at first as we have two Siȝel symbols or it could represent an increased life force. So either it could require acceptance of life force before integration or shining with excessive life force. The Eh represents movement but also independence from the influence of others. The last two letters is the power of the cosmic ocean two-fold. Either struggling to flow until integrated or flowing so fast there’s no sense of being grounded and present in the real world.

I’d say that both double letters present themselves in my life in both ways. I have always had vast energy reserves but I struggle at times to keep my life force grounded as the Cosmic Ocean carries me to esoteric realms too easily that I can often feel lost within the physical world.

Perhaps I should start spelling my name RUSEL to simplify the coded magic behind my name and stop stumbling!

I’m including a link to a rune converter from a fabulous online shop Valhyr. Their rune converter offers many alternative runic glossaries from Elder Futhark through Younger Futhark via both the Staveless, Medieval and the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. While you're using the Valhyr rune converter, why not take a look around at their fabulous products! You might just find something with your name on it.

We hope to create our own Liffruma runic converter when we have grown up. It’s worth remembering that in creating Liffruma, we played with alternative runes that were channelled from the various glossaries. For now let’s just stick with the Anglo-Saxon Liffruma runes numbered 1 - 33.

To convert your name into runes I suggest first popping across to the rune convertor to see the options available, then you’ll need the table below for the Energetic Symbolic Meanings which are based on the Liffruma Runes.

Remember though, we all have different accents and ways in which we pronounce letters, especially vowels. You will discover as I’ve mentioned earlier, that while vowels will cause problems they also offer choices. We cannot be absolutely certain how vowels were pronounced way back in the day as there was a Great Vowel Shift in the British Isles between the 15th and 18th centuries.

So select what resonates with the truth you are seeking within yourself for your journey but most of all have fun exploring and revealing hidden energetic meanings within the Runes that power your name!

To convert your name into runes I suggest first popping across to the rune convertor to see the options then you’ll need the table below for the Energetic Symbolic Meanings which are based on our Liffruma Runes.

Remember though, we all have different accents and ways in which we pronounce letters, especially vowels. You will discover as I’ve mentioned earlier, that while vowels will cause problems they also offer choices. We cannot be absolutely certain how vowels were pronounced way back in the day as there was a Great Vowel Shift in the British Isles between the 15th and 18th centuries.

So select what resonates with the truth you are seeking within yourself for your journey but most of all have fun exploring and revealing the hidden energetic meanings within the Runes that power your name!

The interpretation of the energetic symbolic meaning in the following tables was channelled based on the shapes and forms of the rune symbols as an energetic fractal.

Let’s explain a few more things that might be troubling you as you convert your names in the Liffruma runic script by giving examples using two more Liffruma team members' names.



There are a few other things to consider when analysing any name. Names ending in Y like Cathy ᚲᚨᚦᛁ can be written a few different ways. The final Y can be written using Ēoh, Īs, Hod or Ēðel depending on your preference or spoken accent. Or look at them all and decide which best expresses the current energetic journey of your life experiences?

Cathy begins energetically in all four possible runic spellings as:

ᚲ C Shadow Sparking - The Divine Hiding in the Dark

ᚨ A Personal Wisdom

ᚦ TH Outer World Interpreted Internally

So Cathy is seeking to find the divine frequencies (Cēn) in her shadows and ignite them to spark her own divine wisdom as thoughts (Æsc). With this achieved Cathy will be able to step through the thorny portal (Þorn) to translate all her outer world experiences through her sacral (Ēoh, Īs, Hod or Ēðel). The suggestion being that Cathy will always be able to trust her gut instincts to lead her forwards from then on. The four options at the end of Cathy’s name offer choices and steps or changes that might develop during Cathy’s personal spiritual journey. So the frequency options for her final Y in her name are:

Ēoh: Inspired Living - Plugged into the World of Your Mystical Truths

Īs: Endless Supply of Radiant Life Force

Hod: Creation - Materialisation

Ēðel: Wholeness of Physical Beingness

Each of these four choices points to a different future outcome. Perhaps Cathy will experience a journey between all four at different points once the first three runes are integrated? The choice is Cathy’s.



Eve’s name brings up another choice that may need to be considered when exploring a name. What to do with a missing consonant. The website converts all italic letters typed in. So Eve becomes ᛖᚠᛖ. It's important to note that the letter V didn't exist in the runic script. Indeed V retains a slippery past globally sliding between V, W and U in many written and spoken tongues, as this rune convertor demonstrates. Here (F - Feoh) has been substituted to represent the letter V.

F is the unvoiced labio-dental consonant that pairs with the voiced version that creates the vocalised V. They are made the same way in the mouth but the V fills the throat with vibrations of vocalised breath.

If you say the two labio-dental consonants F and V while touching your throat you will feel a vibration in the throat on the V but not the F. So without a written V rune, we must substitute the Feoh rune instead to represent V. Argh !! It is never straight-forward.

I love the mirroring effect at the start and finish of the runic spelling. Since Feoh is both mobile wealth (livestock) and Spiritual Abundance it would suggest not just seeking to find that abundance but understanding how to reflect that abundance back it into the world.

Since vowels at the end of words were spoken as additional syllables it would also suggest that it should be pronounced as two sounds; E-vie, so to create Eve’s name in runes it might need to be reduced to just two runes. These are all things you may need to consider when constructing your name.

Also the use of the Eh rune doesn’t represent the longer ‘ee’ sound we use to pronounce Eve. So it makes more sense to look at the alternatives that were also offered as the final rune in Cathy’s name

Ēoh: Inspired Living - Plugged into the World of Your Mystical Truths

Īs: Endless Supply of Radiant Life Force

Hod: Creation - Materialisation

Ēðel: Wholeness of Physical Beingness

Living an inspired life plugged into the mystical truths of Eve’s own spiritual abundance.

Endless radiant spiritual wealth.

Creating spiritual truths that Eve then materialises into the world.

Just being wholly and spiritually Eve in all things.

Which of these energetic descriptions most suits Eve is her decision and will depend on what she desires her life to be. Or she could be all four versions at different points as she grows and matures.

So beautiful people I hope you are all inspired to discover what magical destiny lies energetically behind your name. Enjoy yourselves, share your runic names and chosen mission statement in the comments below!

Wassail beautiful people

ᚱᚢᛋᛋᛖᛚᛚ ᚲᚨᚦᛁ ᛖᚠ

149 views9 comments


Thank you so much Russell! Just in time for the begining of my new journey. I just moved out of town and left my past behind me 2 days ago.😃

I will take the time to come back here and analyse my name.

But for now after a first reading, I chose those letters for my name : Shadow sparking, comparing frequencies, mouvement or flow, inspired living, lightning bolt, sending source salutations, endless supply of life force, digging deeper to comprehend and grow, cosmic consolidation.

This is very interesting and very inspiring!💛

May 02
Replying to

Oh how exciting Kiki 😊💛 it is time for new beginnings and I trust yours will be bountious


That is interesting I am planting verdant love, wholeness of being, radiant life force, radiant life force, wholeness of being, wholeness of being.

May 02
Replying to

Yeah I have many double consonants too; SS EE LL NN 🩵💛


Adam Amin
Apr 27

real good

waiting for songs


Apr 27

KILLER!!! As usual!!!!!Thank you!!!

May 02
Replying to

Thanks Ricky 💛

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