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Musical Alchemy of Astrology Deck

This is the first reveal of part of the forthcoming Musical Alchemy of Astrology Deck. It is just completing its final editing stage before we offer it for preordering. The final date for publishing will be announced as soon as we know it. For now, to tempt you, we are revealing a series of the cards as part of an eclipse season exercise in self-healing.

Eclipse tunnels are the esoteric portal that opens between the two eclipses. They are an opportunity for spiritual cleansing and growth. I have been obsessed with eclipse tunnels, as I was born between the two total eclipses in September and October of 1968. There are deep connections between our gestation in the womb and the first eclipse tunnel after our birth that mould our very essence and early life path. That though is a subject for another time. Let’s instead plunge headlong into the mystical healing on offer to us all in the coming weeks.

I call eclipse tunnels the Ianus Geminus as you will see later in the cards from the Musical Alchemy of Astrology Deck. The Ianus Geminus was a temple of prophesy in Ancient Rome. Its doors were opened at the start of any war and since our spiritual journeys are a ‘War With One’ it is the perfect metaphor for honing our authenticity. In the centre of the Ianus Geminus was a statue either of the two-faced god Janus, the keeper of doorways, or Saturn.

This first eclipse tunnel of 2024 is a full moon lunar eclipse in Libra moving to a new moon solar eclipse in Aries. With Aries astrologically representing new beginnings this is a massive opportunity to transform your being and shed old wounds that have been with you throughout your lifetime. As the sun and moon will be in conjunction with Chiron at 19° of Aries this eclipse tunnel represents the primal wounds we have dragged throughout our lives that beg healing.

How this works. Between the two eclipses are 13 days. The first six days are about understanding philosophical options offered to assist our healing. On day seven we speak with Poi-Poi, Source, Janus, Saturn or what you personally recognise as the Mind of the Multiverse. The final six days are like the first six where again we are presented with philosophical notions to guide us towards our authentic essence.

Each day we sit with an esoteric column or astrological house and then choose a planet or asteroid we would like to place in that space in our 'consciousness birth chart'. This is a wonderful way to decide how to move our natal charts by creating a new signature to unlock your future life. We are creating a natal chart code to unite with our spirit self.

So let’s begin with a diary of the days and tasks that will help us to heal:

25th March 2024

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5° Libra at 07:00 GMT/UT

Ceres, Chariklo and Pholus are additionally selected to help us work with the Centaur Asteroids during this Chiron-busting eclipse tunnel. AstroSeek is an amazing astrological online resource. You might enjoy exploring it yourselves. Red lines on caculated charts highlight energies seeking solutions and blue lines offer stable assistance. The charts here are calculated for midday at Greenwich UK on the Prime Meridian. You can use the above link to align the charts to your place globally. Don’t worry if charts aren’t your thing. Just work with the cards.

Me standing on the 0° Prime Meridian in Greenwich.

The 12 philosophical columns will be in reverse order for this eclipse tunnel exercise as it moves from lunar to solar eclipse this time.

26th March 2024

Column 12 ∞ Monas Heiroglyphica

We start in the heart of core magic with a masterclass in Secret Wisdom. Read the words on both the front and the back of the card. What jumps out to you? Look at the I AM polarity of Wise or Foolhardy and decide where you are along that scale currently. Then scroll down and choose a planet or asteroid you think might assist you in releasing old frequencies and allow you to shift higher up the polarity scale to becoming more Wise.

27th March 2024

Column 11 ∞ Filter

Today's offering involves reviewing the community that surrounds you, your place in that community and those you chose to include in your life. How Certain or Nebulous do you feel with the family or tribe you walk with? How do others around you make you feel comfortable and welcome? Knowing who truly cares is the key to your higher frequency here. Again, scroll down and choose a planet or asteroid you think might help you in this filtering process.

28th March 2024

Column 10 ∞ Purify

'Trapped in Toxic Positivity' is asking you to review whether you are avoiding in your shadows. Are you projecting a false image to others to mask having not cleaned out and polished your soul image? Are you pure of heart or polluted by the light of others? Again scroll down and choose a planet or asteroid to assist you.

26th March 2024

Column 9 ∞ Compose

This column's exercise asks that you study yourself to reprogram your cellular, emotional and mental truths in order to step onto a higher pathway with new views of the world you live in. Higher thoughts and a thirst for knowledge offer new future vistas. Scroll down and pick today's assistant.

30th March 2024

Column 8 ∞ Boil

This Petulant Djinn is about micromanaging the cosmos and trying to bargain for a better future rather than changing yourself from within. When you transform your trust in your destiny the fullness of your Djinn will emerge, shining from the bottle in which you currently reside. Alchemise your inner landscape to escape your jaded vessel. Scroll down to pick today's helper.

31st March 2024

Column 7 ∞ Amalgamation

'Unify With Your Cosmic +1', you and your spirit self. Be open to exploring the world partnered-up with your spirit self. Do you feel less alone? The double concerto of you and your spirit performing together in the orchestra of life is the aim here.

1st April 2024

Time with Poi-Poi ∞ Poimandres

A moment to review your progress over the last six days. Chat with Source. Speak your new heart’s desires. You are preparing to move through the waning chaos in unison with your spirit self and Source. Notice that this card has the same message on the back either way up. No scrolling down, Source itself is today's focus.

2nd April 2024

Column 6 ∞ Arsenic

The transformation begins today. You are entering a phase of transposition. Your new pathway is crystallising. The new you is firming up. Time to blossom and begin dancing. You are writing your hit song. Scroll down and pick a pal.

3rd April 2024

Column 5 ∞ Magnet

Playtime has begun. You are practising the new tunes you composed and dancing to your new songs. You are understanding that you have created your more natural philosophy of life. Scroll down and grab a dancing partner.

4th April 2024

Column 4 ∞ Antimony

By being divinely lit you are becoming more human and instinctual. You are the shaper of your dance floor. You are pleasuring the nest you have newly built in your sacral. At ease within the heart of your home. Scroll down...who's the first guest in your new nest?

5th April 2024

Column 3 ∞ Distill

Building on strengthening your psychological immune system, you feel freshly present in your local community and the world outside your physical home. Creativity is bursting out as you extrude the old impurities that once burdened your soul. Scroll down...who's coming to your community music festival?

6th April 2024

Column 2 ∞ Rusted

Time to fully crack free from the shell of your old life. Time for the B-Side of your musical expression. You are restored and lacquered with sincerity. Caring and sharing and showering your world with wonders shining from within you. Scroll down... who's listening to your B-Side?

7th April 2024

Column 1 ∞ Essence

And so you have returned to your retuned truth. Your essence is real. You are the truth of your soul song. 'I AM Authentic'. Your frequency chimes with the universal soul. Scroll down...who's left to chime with your true essence?

8th April 2024

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse at 19° Aries

Triple Conjunction with Chiron

Today we all exit the eclipse tunnel with a new philosophical truth. Don’t forget to close the door behind you to mark a new phase in your life journey. You are now open. You have reclaimed your sacred breath. You have experienced your Janus revelations inside your personally created eclipse tunnel.

How to Work Your Magic

Each day set aside time to look at the philosophical nudges of each column. Journal what leaps out from the card. Next select a planet or asteroid deity that will help you to shift your thoughts and frequency.

You don't need to pick assistants on the lunar and solar eclipses as these are preparation and resolution days, respectively. Move from your shadows and towards the returning light of the total solar eclipse on the 8th of April.

Here are the twelve options for you to select assistance from with each column. You can only select each helper once from the list of 12 below. So pick wisely people.

Here is the YouTube video to help explain how this healing process works:

What a wonderful opportunity not just to see part of the deck in detail but also to explore a way to use the deck as the magnificent healing tool it is. Have fun exploring yourselves and healing yourselves too beautiful people.

So much love,

Russell, Eve & Cathy

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Mar 20

Always so cool

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