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How Jupiter/Uranus Conjunctions Function

Wassail Beautiful People,

This event is one of the most powerful astrological events of 2024. It is exact at 01:03 GMT on the 21st of April, meaning for those living west of the Prime Meridian line it will happen on the 20th of April. We're going to guide you through these energies:

Musical Alchemy of Astrology Deck from Liffruma - Available to preorder very soon

Jupiter and Uranus conjunctions are such huge cosmic events that it is hard to predict absolute outcomes for them due to the changing Song of the Music of the Spheres at these pivotal moments.

They do however provide us with the opportunity to unravel and release ancestral traumas that have been hidden inside our personal inherited codes. This blog will open stories from the past that have been playing out in your current lifetime and allow you to understand how to be free from them, through identifying the patterns that the cosmos sang into the life stories of your ancestors. This is a golden opportunity to make space in your being for a brighter future moving forward.

Patterns Behind the Historic Astrology

Let’s start with a little lesson on Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions which occur about every 13 or 14 years skipping a sign to land in a sextile position to the conjunction before. This progression lands back again in the same zodiac sign roughly every 83/84 years, though a few degrees earlier than the last time it was in that sign.

Looking at a chart for the last 500 years you will notice a pattern of certain zodiac signs where all the action has been taking place. This current conjunction in Taurus is only the third of its kind in the last 500 years. Previous conjunctions have only appeared in water signs 6 times in that same period. Most of the conjunctions have, in fact, taken place in fire & air signs. Virgo, Scorpio & Capricorn have not had any Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions in the last five centuries!

Here’s a link to this fantastic search engine from AstroSeek. I’ve included the setting options across the top of the chart above that I used to generate this chart in this format.

Notice the sacred geometry of the hexagonal pattern created over the centuries. Also observe the years when the conjunction happens more than once, so the black position markers bunch closer together. The next Jupiter/Uranus conjunction will be in Cancer on the 8th of September 2037 and then the following one on the 9th of November 2051 will be the first in Virgo for a very very long time.

It is always wise to look at the history that occurred during grand astrological alignments to get a sense of the kind of events that might occur this time. Though there are only two Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions that took place in Taurus in the last 500 years in which to seek clues, 1941 & 1858. I began by looking at volcanic and tectonic activity as this is the astrological tussle of a Uranus transit through fixed Earth Taurus. While 1941 was a busy year for earthquakes and volcanoes it occurred during the Second World War when humans were dropping endless bombs all over the planet adding trauma to the Earth’s plates. Looking to the earlier conjunction in Taurus during 1858 we find less tectonic activity but must also remember that less details were being recorded back then.

It is also worth remembering that 1842 was the Great Mutation from the astrological element of fire to earth. This is the approximate 200 year period of the great conjunctions of Jupiter/Saturn. This current Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is the first one taking place since the 2020 Great Mutation of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions from the element of earth into air. Therefore we are witnessing the first Jupiter/Uranus conjunction under a new 200 year air epoch so there is no predictive certainty on how this will pan out. Let’s look at the last two conjunctions to see if there are any other clues to help us.

I approach astrology a little differently to most astrologers and do like to include the house placements and numbering as I look at real world events triggered in the cosmos. My intuitive reading of charts requires understanding this as a birthing moment of a chord that is the next frequency within the Music of the Spheres. So the placements of the planets matter as to whether they fall in the darkness below the horizon or in the light above.

1858 Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction Chart

Let’s start then back in 1858 at the first Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus and see how this event sang new codes into the lives of our predecessors. They were entering a new 200 year period of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in earth signs as the 2nd Industrial Revolution began sweeping across the globe. Changing the once pastoral existences of our ancestors, pulling them away from the land into large towns and cities to join the mechanised workforce in factories. Chiron in retrograde at 13° of Aquarius heralded the wounding of humanity then unfolding.   

Though there is a beautiful grand water trine between Saturn, Neptune and Mars it is being actioned by planets each with their own agendas. Mars who is in rulership in Scorpio (House 6, health, in the 1858 chart above) but also retrograding, Mars was crying out to highlight emotions that were being stunted back then as people migrated towards high-density living in cities. At the same time, nudging humanity to witness health issues that were beginning to create emotional blockages before they became a greater suffering.

Saturn was in Cancer (House 2, values & possessions) and not in rulership but in detriment, so not a happy bunny. Saturn was trying to trine-smile but the grumpy governor is always underneath the mask restricting and removing all that doesn’t agree with his personal philosophies. It’s not that Saturn was being difficult but as that 1858 energetic landscape unfolded, Saturn's deeper purpose was to restrict humanity's reliance on personal possessions. This is, after all, the grumpy bunny’s Modus Operandi, and may go some way to explain humanity's current obsession with hoarding possessions.

In 1858 Neptune was at home in rulership in Pisces just as he is right now in 2024. (House 10, status back then) and was introducing new ways for our predesessors to understand their status in that new framework, by clouding our ancestor’s perceptions about their journey forwards. Part of Neptune’s spiritual bounties are the fogs and delusions he sends for us to navigate through.

Ordinarily trine energies feel extremely benevolent but Neptune was also squaring Venus in House 1, self, and that seemed to be about fogging the truth of our ancestor’s psyche, leaving them confused and needy.

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus Opposition Mars

This would have felt like raised voices arguing but not listening. Both at odds not just with each other but also with themselves. 'Songs & Cover Versions' seems a big frequency back then in this 1858 chart. Sometimes original songs can be the best versions but later they might be outdated. With the 'Emotional Power Balled' on the Remove/Retrograde card there is a huge sense of upheaval. Maybe leaving a home for another country. How would our ancestors 'Acknowledge Errors', when to survive they needed to flow where work was offered. Remember, they were being charmed by industrial opportunities that were sometimes cosmically-intended 'Polarity Traps'. Look at the words on the cards to intuitively make stock of your ancestral stories.

Shaping up in Taurus back then was a little family soirée with grandfather Uranus and two of his grandsons Jupiter and Pluto. There’s a sense that Jupiter was keeping Uranus in the powerful conjunction bubble of affection to stop Pluto from getting too close. Historic sibling rivalries often create tensions that manifest in our current lives. Pluto rules the Underworld and welcomes the dead into his realm and Taurus is the zodiac sign of fixed earth. Since Pluto owns all the resources below the earth’s crust plus the land and mineral rights, you begin to sense a little jealousy coming from brother Jupiter, who rules the space above.

This 1858 Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus was shaped by the energies of House 12, core magic and the unseen realms. Dreams, secrets, affairs, addictions and psychological ailments also fall under the influence of House 12. All that exists without physical form waiting to be identified but that are no longer serving the journey forwards. This is the space to release all that no longer serves.

1941 Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction Chart

The last conjunction in Taurus was on the 7th of May 1941 at 25°37’.

At this time Taurus was packed with a six planet stellium of the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and the calculated aspect of Dark Moon Lilith are sitting in House 3, thoughts. Whereas Jupiter & Uranus though also in Taurus were in conjunction in House 4, shaping. So Taurus was an extremely crowded and split zodiac house so ready to kick off. I would suggest there was a ‘battle royale’ taking place at the party Venus was throwing in her House of Taurus and all the guests were drinking and thinking too much. So naturally furniture was flung and damage ensued.

Some guests though absent were still trying to impact the party. Mars went to the wrong address in Aquarius and was furiously stuck in slow moving traffic squaring up for a fight he was already missing. Mars was sending furious text messages to everyone there except Dark Moon Lilith as she wouldn’t be swayed by his petulant fury.

Neptune in Virgo (House 8, change) was creating a magical mist bomb to try and send some loving caution in the form of benevolent blue trine energies but most of the guests were still seeing red from the angry squaring off from Mars (House 1, self).

The moon was shining trining magic from Libra onto both Jupiter and Uranus but as this aspect was separating, its power to effectively heal was fading.

The party from hell rolled on for quite some time. Venus snuck off with Mercury into Gemini but the big generational planets overstayed their welcome as their orbits are much slower.

So what might we learn from the 2024 Jupiter/Uranus conjunction to help us heal unneeded ancestral frequencies still caught in our coding?

Taurus is the bullish house of fixed earth and physical resources, thanks to its ruler Venus. Uranus entered Taurus back on the the 15th of May 2018 and will eventually ingress into Gemini on the 8th of July 2025. It will dip back into Taurus on the 8th of November 2025, and enters Gemini fully from the 26th of April 2026.

When Uranus first entered Taurus six years ago, I was prepared to witness some major tussles as the grandfather planet of the sky began its journey to shake things up on Earth. It did however seem like Uranus might have just wandered through without much of a fight but things will most definitely ramp up now as grandson Jupiter empowers and expands all it touches. Let’s see how things hold up as this power pairing attempt to tame the bull.

Taurus is linked to Apis the bull, a primal deity of ancient Egypt and represents sacrifice and rebirth. This is why this conjunction is so powerful in Taurus. Let’s look then at the chart for this coming conjunction.

2024 Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction Chart

The only additional guest at the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction gathering in Taurus this time is the Sun, who has just arrived in Taurus at 1° (House 2, values & possessions). This is the divine light shining onto the relationship between the two grandees of the sky, grandfather Uranus and grandson Jupiter who are in House 3, thoughts. Cut from the same cloth but utterly different in how they weave their magic. Unlike the Sun in Taurus (House 2), Jupiter and Uranus are in House 3 (thoughts) in Taurus. So once again, the zodiac sign of Taurus is split between two houses.

First of all we must observe the loose and incomplete ‘almost’ blue kite of Pluto at 2° of Aquarius (House 11, humanity), Mars 22° of Pisces (House 1, self), Neptune 28°of Pisces (House 1, self), Jupiter and Uranus both at 21° of Taurus (House 3, thoughts) and the moon at the apex at 29°39’ of Virgo (House 7, unions). This is a fast moving focus that suggests a brief warped sense of harmony but as that bubble bursts, its instability will likely cause tremors deep within us and the Earth. This is because the sharper and more exact aspects are the two lunar oppositions and Pluto square Sun taking place underneath the illusion of harmony. This refers back to the 1858 illusory grand water trine and reminds us to look beneath the surface if we want to find the true opportunities for healing and growth.

Square is an unharmonious 90º aspect that offers opportunities to ease tensions and resolve conflicts.

Oppositions are quantum entangled tensions when things are 180° apart. They highlight areas that need to be harmonised to offer their rewards.

Sextile is a harmonious 60º frequency aspect of opportunity full of flirtatious desires and playful rhythmic dancing. Things that can blossom and grow.

Finding Your Personal Conjunction Healing

Pluto Square Sun 0°12’ applying

Identifying the stuck ancestral shadows that have engaged us all in the traditional family square dance. How might we transform these pointless patterns by centring our power through our truest life force? Seeking our new song not our inherited cover version.

Moon opposition Neptune 0°08’ applying

Redefining the circumstances of the quantum entangled tensions of ancestral reverberations. Now that is exactly what we’ve been talking about. What emotions or habits do you embody that are considered to be family traits? Ask yourself if they truly resonate with you or are they just a familial loyalty that was anchored into your childhood by the influence of others. This is an applying aspect giving you a sense of being able to catch hold of the aspect’s energy as it heads towards 0º before separating.

Moon opposition Mars 7°01’ separating

So here is the solution to the question above posed by Neptune in opposition to the moon. Both are in House 1, self. So if something you feel as a family trait is an imposed delusion, Mars offers the chance to engage with that illusory frequency and burn away the fog from Neptune. Try formulating a statement that is the complete opposite feeling or emotion to the ancestral delusion that was patterned into your life. Claim that as your actual truth. Write the phrase down and create a rhythmic way to say it out loud like a mantra and then begin drumming it into your cells. Say it. Tap the rhythm. Repeat it and make that your new truth. This aspect is separating so you can drum this energy forwards.

Dark Moon Lilith (calculated aspect) opposition Mars 0°14’ separating

Dark Moon Lilith is here to help you fix-in the new truth you have started drumming into yourself. Lilith is your hidden majesty and your new musical freedom. Your living legacy frequency. Lilith is the dark side of the moon we never see, as the moon only shows one mask. During new moons and solar eclipses, however, the sun sees that dark side and offers the chance to find the hidden illumination and bring it forward into your life force. This is about seeking different rhythms to define our new frequency, transforming our tuning to the more human hugging 432Hz.

Mars Sextile Jupiter 0°47’ separating

This new inner martial drumming phrase you are using as a new mantra is calling for you to expand your new vibration. It’s time to get up and move your entire body in dance. Sing or shout your new mantra. Flirt with Jupiter and the vast expansive frequencies to code this new feeling about your truth into everything around you. Reach out to create new supportive waves of patterns in your physical space.

Mars Sextile Uranus 0°47’ separating

As Mars offers passionate actioning into the physical realms and Uranus is the thread of consciousness that bridges our being into the physical, allow your consciousness to reach back to the fullness of your spirit-self beyond the veil. Invite that fullness to join you and anchor inside your physical being so you can dance as one your new true ancestral-free mantra.

Pluto Sextile Neptune 3°27’ applying

Pluto Sextile Neptune is a very slow moving aspect that began around 1944 just three years after the 1941 Jupiter/Uranus conjunction we discussed earlier. It will finally resolve in about 11 years and really is something that’s been singing to us for so long, seeking to be released and finally put to bed from within our inherited coding. So there’s plenty of time to work through these shadows.

This is the work of the spiritual warrior. Cleaning up the coding that has held us in an old energy that doesn’t belong in the future forming around us now. Not just in this lifetime but in those to come. What an amazing opportunity to transform.

So grasp the Taurus bull by the horns and sacrifice those family attributes that no longer suit. Move past the past defined by others and write your new future-now. Know that the power is within you and that you deserve the changes you are bringing to your life.

SoundCloud Liffruma Runes Reading

Here are the six rune cards shuffled from the Liffruma Healing Oracle deck offering advice on creating and working with your personal mantra. Here is that SoundCloud reading:

Exercise Recap

1/ Write a mantra to describe your desired future energy

2/ Set your new mantra to a rhythm and speak it

3/ As you repeat it aloud, begin to tap or clap parts of the rhythm

4/ Stand up and begin to dance as you sing and clap your mantra

5/ Encourage your ‘greater-self’ beyond the veil to join you, singing and dancing as one

6/ Chill out and know your future-now is transforming

Have a great time rewriting your personal codes people. Share this with friends and others brave enough to want to grow.

Wassail from

Russell & Cathy

449 views17 comments


Thank you thank you! The soundcloud recordings are so beautiful and so wonderfully encouraging. My sister and I have been clearing out storage cupboards full of old ancestral energy and facing all our sticky shadows this puts it all in such a lovely context. Going to start working on the mantra and drumming and dancing

Apr 18
Replying to

Oh thank you. I’ve been drumming and chanting my mantra everyday 🧡🩵


Adam Amin
Apr 15


can the exercise be done in the occult only?

Adam Amin
Apr 16
Replying to

I have a friend in Britain if I give you his phone number will you call him for me?

tell him that I tried many times to call him

his name is Tim


Apr 15

Wow! Thank you so much to you both! This brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad I had found you on YT and now here. My heart gleams with joy. Thank you both

Apr 16
Replying to

I checked the settings for here too


Very impressive, the recognition, appreciation, transformation and work done, the knowledge and sharing for healing. My sincere respect and thanks. Blessed be all that is connected with it.


Apr 15
Replying to

We were so pleased at the fact finding and then the channelled healing that came through as we wrote this blog. So excited now that I have time to focus on the experience of sharing knowledge in a new way 🩵 thanks for your support and your kind comment


Gea Kuil
Apr 15

Thanks for answering my unasked question about future-tracking. I’ll try the exercising. 🙏

Apr 15
Replying to

Wassail Gea 🩵 I’m loving this new space to gather and share our journeys. Glad to have answered your unasked enquiry 😝

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