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Full Moon in Leo & the SoundCloud Extensions

Wassail Beautiful People and thank you all for supporting us over on SoundCloud. Today we’ve connected you to our Liffruma Website to encourage you to explore the content we’ve been generating here which can be found in the Rune Garden Link.

Most of this content is designed to further unlock the deeper magical meanings of the Liffruma Healing Oracle deck. You can purchase your own copy of the Liffruma deck from this website and begin your personal healing journey.

The Musical Alchemy of Astrology Deck is our second oracle deck which will be on sale just as soon as the final touches are added to all 99 cards in the deck. This latest instalment from Liffruma mixes Astrology, Alchemy, Hermeticism & Sound Healing into one deck brimming with detailed fresh narratives to open your mind to new ways to walk your Sacred Earth Path. The two decks are singing together so beautifully already and we thank you all for the interest and support you are constantly giving to the team.

Sound Cloud Extension Readings

The main pick a pile reading is on the Russellingaround channel on YouTube. Each of the three readings has a four card extended reading published over on SoundCloud. The links are below.

Just click on the links listed here. Now shut your eyes and listen to the tail end of your chosen reading.

Monas Heiroglyphica


Moon in Leo

Thanks for following all the links beautiful people

Love Russell

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