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Free PDF of Musical Alchemy of Astrology Deck

Wassail Beautiful People

We’ve been working so hard to create a raw version of the Musical Alchemy of Astrology deck to share with all of you. We now have a FREE PDF of the entire deck at the end of this blog that you can download and print for yourselves to play with until the final full colour version is ready for publication. This FREE PDF is a monochrome version of the deck and contains all the text from both the front and back of the cards for the very first time. We just know you'll love it. Yes it’s free but we ask you to consider offering a creator donation.

We are so proud of this deck and can’t wait to present it in its full colour glory with all the incredible artwork by Ana Bell.

Let’s explain a little of the format of this deck to assist you in your enjoyment of it. The Musical Alchemy of Astrology deck blends alchemy, astrology, hermeticism and sound healing. Like the Liffruma Deck it stands alone without a guidebook so that you can tune into the messages within the cards in your own personal way. The most profound messages are always the ones we glean ourselves. So both of our decks at Liffruma are designed to empower you to build your own philosophy by allowing the cards to speak directly to you.

All the cards have words on the fronts and backs with different themes to draw out various ideas hiding in both the light and the shadows of our lives. Each card also offers an ‘I AM’ polarity scale to help you consider where you currently feel pegged on that particular energetic washing line between dark and light. So for example, on Chiron the polarity is I AM HEALED or I AM ILL. Ask yourself honestly where you currently dwell on this polarity scale. Maybe some days you feel more ill than healed. That’s fine too as we are all emotionally and mentally fluid and slide between both polarities. This deck will help you to remain in the feel-better frequencies for longer but the other end of the scale is always an echo we remember floundering in and that’s perfectly normal and healthy.

The front of each card has the title followed by a subheading to define the theme. Underneath that is a musical meaning to remind us that everything has a vibrational frequency. There’s also an additional musical inspiration linked to a pitch or rhythm.

As the deck progresses the themes become deeper and more esoteric. Starting with descriptions of ‘they/their’ to show us how we often distance ourselves from our spiritual realities. Later the subject shifts to ‘you/your’ as you grow through interpreting and understanding the messages and prompts on the cards themselves as they speak to you personally. Eventually the subject matter shifts to ‘ME/MY/MYSELF/I AM’ as you develop a stronger and more spiritually resonant identity.

The Ordering of the Cards

The deck begins in groupings of 13 cards around various themes. The numerology in this deck is amazingly powerful too, so keep an eye on the numbers within the cards. If numbers aren’t your thing then don’t worry about them.

Zodiac Signs: Cards 1-13

The first 13 cards are the 12 traditional zodiac signs plus Ophiuchus known as the 13th sign of the zodiac. Ophiuchus represents galactic opportunities that can strike our lives quite suddenly like a bolt from the blue. The first 12 traditional zodiac signs also contain references to the Alchemical Magnum Opus. These were the processes that alchemists attributed to each zodiac sign that mirrored their work to transform lead into gold. In this deck the Magnum Opus is present to reveal how to uncover our inner Philosopher’s Stone.

The Planets: Cards 14-26

The next 13 cards are the planets and energy centres used in my sound healing system. I have been channelling this system for decades from a remembrance of a life I experienced, healing spirits as they return from their physical existences back into their light-body lives as pure energetic forms. These 13 cards have both musical pitch and subtle energetic body centres to help focus your attention on restoring balance to your physical body and auric field. They also have separate themes on their reverse sides to prompt us to discover how these subtle energies influence our lives through their restrictive shadow frequencies as well as suggesting the higher philosophical ideals to strive towards. The length of their orbits around the Sun is the principal theme behind the ordering of this grouping.

Moon Cycles: Cards 27-39

This group of 13 cards represent the moon’s effect as it transits through each zodiac sign. Here the card numbers when totalled, reduce to the same single digit as its original zodiac sign card. Obviously Aries is card 1, the start of the zodiac wheel of the year and Moon in Aries is card 28. So 2+8 = 10  & 1+0 = 1 as a single digit. So each zodiac card matches the Moon’s transit through the same sign. Aries & Moon in Aries is 1/1.

Moon in Ophiuchus is also included. Tracking the Moon’s presence in this constellation asks us to step out of both Tropical & Sidereal astrology. The numerology for Ophiuchus is also different. Ophiuchus is card 13 whereas Moon in Ophiuchus is card 27. Numerically 2+7 = 9, so not 13/13 but 13/9 instead. 13 frequency is the vibration of being inspired by a muse. 13/9 is a powerful message of Source as the divine muse inspiring our lives.

13/9 is also present in the numerology of the Liffruma deck and brings powerful messages forwards when cards totalling or reducing to 9 & 13 appear in any rune spread.

Asteroids: Cards 40-52

The fourth group of cards selected for inclusion in the deck are 13 asteroids chosen for their impact on our sacred Earth walk. As with the planets, their orbit length is the key to their card order. Zippy Eros comes first and slow-revolving Eris is last. Ceres and Chiron are in the planetary grouping because they are both used in sound healing representing the Sacral and Nervous system respectively. Ceres, though currently classified as a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, was once likely a proto-planet before the formation of our current planets. Chiron was an asteroid but is now considered to be both a dwarf planet and a comet.

Three Alchemical Primes: Cards 53-55

The three Alchemical primes are the major processes used by alchemists as they attempted to transform base metals into other metals by adjusting the mercury and sulphur content using a process known as Solve Et Coagula (dissolving and coagulating) to fix in the new properties through the Lore of the Triangle. Two components come together to create a third more purified component. The three primes are Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable and we still see these modalities observed in astrology with four zodiac signs attributed to each modality though attached to a different element. In alchemy the primes are represented as Sulfur, Salt & Quicksilver (soul, body & mind). These primes are a tool for purifying our being as we climb our spiritual staircase.

While travelling through Sardinia I channelled a message that the order of the primes for this deck should follow a different patterning from the zodiacal order of Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable. I was informed that in spiritual healing you begin by opening a mutable channel to create space for change. Then you allow new cardinal ideas to enter the space you created. You end the process by fixing in the new philosophies you most connect with. So the order of the three prime cards became Mutable, Cardinal & Fixed (mind, soul & body), 53 Quicksilver, 54 Sulfur & 55 Salt. Opening the mind to create a flexible space which can be filled with sparkling new soul narratives and then fixing them into your reality through your physical body.

Aspects: Cards 56-62

The aspects chosen for this deck start with Conjunction, the 0° aspect. It then jumps in whole sign totals of 30° all the way to Opposition at 180°. Musically speaking the aspects represent rhythms rather than notes. Aspects in astrology are opportunities presented by the space between two planetary bodies to one another, either in your birth chart or the current position of the heavenly bodies in the sky right now. They can also represent the transiting aspects of the current planetary placements in relation to the planetary positions in your natal chart. So aspects impact us in many ways by changing the rhythmic flow both in and around us. Some aspects feel harmonious while others offer contentious frequencies seeking philosophical resolutions.

Dark Moon Lilith: Card 63

Lilith was the first wife of Adam. She was created by God from soil in the same way as Adam. When Adam told her to obey him she refused, fled and was then demonised. Eve was created from Adam’s rib in order that she would forever obey Adam.

Lilith represents our true sovereign soul. In astrology she is the dark side of the moon that we never see. She is the full majesty of our stable emotions that are hidden from us as we journey through life.

Number 63 is always a powerful frequency and aligns with the magic of the Nikola Tesla Code as the numerological frequency of the ‘Tesla Trap’. This 6/3 electromagnetic frequency holds our cells fixed into a particular timeline. An enigma seeking a solution to shift into a new dimensional reality. We can achieve this by introducing the missing vibrational solution of the divine 9 which is the inspiration that allows us to transform (see the ‘Three Alchemical Primes’ above to open space for your divine-9-inspired new narrative).

In the Liffruma deck card 63 is Oferlagu, the energy-cloak gifted to us by the gods as a cosmic mirroring energy. Here in the Musical Alchemy of Astrology deck, card 63 is the calculated aspect of Dark Moon Lilith and represents the remembrance of our forgotten powers. A new freedom to be found and integrated.

Houses: Cards 64-75

The houses, or columns as we call them in the Ianus Geminus (eclipse tunnel), are loosely based on traditional houses in astrology but with the additional channelling of esoteric hermetic information. These newer thoughts on the house system link to the inter-dimensional journey of our Spirit-Self (‘other/higher-self’). Like us our Spirit-Self is experiencing its own initiation process on its spiritual journey. Our Spirit-Self doesn’t have all the answers as many suggest. That is the gift of the Over-Spirit and the Elven Ring or indeed Source itself.

Our Spirit-Self is working through a series of initiations to link itself to the Over-Spirit. So here the cards are offering insights into both the journeys of our Human & Spirit-Self. As our Spirit-Self completes aspects of its initiation process and releases unwanted frequencies, our Human-Self acts as the exhaust pipe for this toxic chaos. So our human world experiences more chaos in our physical reality. We are all working as a team of selves spanning different dimensions.

Alchemy: Cards 76-83

Next is the first group of alchemical processes as you develop greater understanding of the pathway to polish up your personal Philosopher’s Stone. Card 77 is a deeply powerful number. Our Philosopher’s Stone is always within us. It represents our current ideology we carry within us and project outwards into our world. It is made from our current life story, the echos of our predecessors and the timelines experienced by our consciousness. To transform this stone we plunge it and therefore ourselves, into the Massa Confusa. Physical chaos seeking order.

We are being asked at this stage in the deck to pull ourselves closer to appreciating our life-purpose. That life-purpose will be different for all of us.

Eclipses & Nodes: Cards 84-87

As the lunar nodes shift so do the placements of both the lunar & solar eclipses. These four cards help us to see the truth of our inherent gifts and the pathway forwards. The south and north nodes are a reminder of the start and finish of our lives with the dragon’s tail and head. The dragon’s blood comes later.

The 5 Elements: Cards 88-92

Spirit, Air, Water, Fire & Earth.

These five elemental cards offer historical context as to how humans understood the elements, the humors and the Greek philosophical views of the Aristotelian & Neoplatonism Schools of thought. These elemental cards also contain the compass directions, seasons, tarot connections, elemental spirits and Archangels.

The Golden Path: Cards 93-99

The highest cycle offering us the truest exploration of alchemy. Crocuses of Venus and Mars speak of divine balance between the masculine and feminine within us all. The appreciation of being both ME & I and the differences between them. Inspiration leads to action and both are required to complete the pathway by meeting Source and basking in the dragon’s blood of Poimandres. It is here in this final alchemical echelon that we learn to return our personal Philosopher’s Stone in order to receive the true Inner Stone of Wisdom and become the fullest version of ourselves walking the Golden Path like Mary the Alchemist (Mary the Jewess or Maria Prophetissima).

What a fulfilling journey this deck can take you on. The things you will discover and discard will amaze you as you grow. This deck is truly magical and inspirational and we trust you will enjoy your journey with it.

Ways to Play with the Deck

Try laying out your birth chart using the cards in the deck to get a fresh insight into your planetary placements at birth.

Or lay out the cards to look at the aspects in your birth chart, for example, you may have 'Jupiter in Taurus, House 1 trine Saturn in Virgo, House 4' (7 cards) or 'Moon in Aquarius, House 6 opposition Mars in Leo, House 12' (6 cards) and see what these card combinations suggest to you about frequencies and habits that play out in your life. There are so many ways to explore you and your life story.

Or simply shuffle them and pull cards to see what energies the deck suggests you look at. There really are so many yet unexplored ways to have fun with this deck.

This deck and Liffruma are sister-decks that really love telling stories together.

You'll find the two FREE PDF's of the Liffruma Healing Oracle Deck over in Verðandi's Rune Garden.

Don’t forget this is totally free but creator donations are greatly appreciated.

Wassail & Enjoy

Russell Cathy & Eve (Everlong Mystic)

Please please please share your experiences with this deck in the comments section below.

484 views4 comments


I love the ability to lay out the birth chart. This is great.


This is such a high resonance deck and a strong sobering spirit. Only correction is that Eve was not punished by Adam for not subjecting to him, they both architected her world for her to grow through, while he visited her in flesh through out lifetimes to anchor her and test her desire for evolution. This is her world but she longs for him in flesh to build kingdom come. He left her to come back at that time. She was taken out of garden of eden to Lyra to come back after the cataclysm of oceans separating into 4 settled and she was ready to get to know her children, to be crucified by them again and again for…

Replying to

I do not agree with "Eve was created from Adam’s rib in order that she would forever obey Adam." In my opinion Eve was made of the existing tissue (rib of Adam) not to make her subservient to Adam but showed that Adam and Eve were of the same substance; she was made from the same “stuff” and was a bearer of God’s image and likeness, just as Adam was. That together they could make from their existing tissue children who bear God’s image too. I have yet to meet a woman who obeyed anything she was told.

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