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Creating a Magical Bind Rune Talisman

Wassail beautiful people

I was suddenly struck with bind-rune fever at the end of last week but I needed more time to organise the presentation for you all. Here it is then. A short blog on how to create bind-runes that act as a talisman for your current requirements. What’s more, they are oh so easy (mostly) to create and provide a way to focus your intention on creating spiritual solutions through the Liffruma runes.

We’ve created a simple grid as a PDF for you to print out and use as a basis for building your own runic talismans. Let’s look first at the grid to understand how you place runes to affect different aspects through rune magic. Notice the four points created from two polarities. Past & Future are the horizontal flow of time. Consciousness & Physical are how we think ourselves into our linear now.

Let’s begin by choosing four cards either by shuffling your Liffruma deck, or asking online for four randomly generated numbers and then head to the eRunes here on our website to gather the details for your reading and binding. So, let's say I pulled:

General Meaning: To bear fruits and be cradled by the beginning of a blissful life.


Then you can look at the numerology involved in the reading by adding up all the numbers of the cards and reducing them to a single digit. There are many different ways to add them up either as a whole total or reduce each card to a single digit:

Total Numerology: 49+48+0+8= 105 & so 1+0+5=6

Individual Cards:

49: 4+9=13

48: 4+8=12

0: is 0

8: is 8

So therefore 13+12+0+8=33  & so 3+3=6 

Or you can add up the cards as Single Digits

49: 4+9=13  & 1+3=4

48: 4+8=12  & 1+2=3

0: is 0

8: is 8

4+3+0+8=15 & so 1+5=6

The total value of the four card numbers, however you calculate it is 6 and this is the numerology number frequency of balance. There are many deep explanations and frequencies in the power of numbers but for now let’s just keep it simple.

Table of Numbers

1: Fresh start

2: Seeing a pathway

3: Understanding space

4: Grounded healing

5: Tipping into change

6: Harmony & balance

7: At the threshold of deep transformation

8: Mastery of your path

9: Divine solution

Making a Bind Rune

So let’s create a bind-rune magical talisman symbol built from the four runes chosen above. The bind-rune will hold the magic and power of all four rune symbols plus some others hidden within the finished talismanic symbol.

We begin by combining 49: Æppelbære + 48: Leáfscead

We can see this fledgling talisman already contains both of the other two rune cards hidden within it, 0: Ginnungagap & 8: Wynn: This doesn't always happen, folks!

However, we can increase the potency of both these runes by enlarging them on the grid in the bind-rune we are building:

So now all four runes together are creating a magical bind-rune talisman to assist you energetically in working to action these frequencies into your life. Though this bind-rune turns out to be a very balanced and symmetrical talisman, bind-runes can be asymmetrical too. Here, the focus in the grid is mainly in the upper half which deals with consciousness and therefore thoughts and how we express them emotionally. Refining the mind and then grounding your new thought frequency into the physical is represented here by a single 'Īs' stroke. The Īs stroke is the first runic stroke drawn and represents our consciousness plunging into the physical at birth. Now, it represents earthing your newly refined thought patterns into your now-moment. In terms of the past and future polarities on the grid, this bind-rune is about settling into your new linear balance right now.

All that’s left is to draw the talisman you have created without the grid:

And there we have it, a simple yet powerful bind rune to act as a talisman. Here’s the free PDF of the grid so you can print some out to help you create your own magical bind-rune talismans.

Hidden Image

How did you get on with finding Lævateinn? Did you think outside the box and work out that the hidden image joins together on the shorter edges of the cards this time? A little trick and a clue too in how to think in new ways to seek solutions.

So what is Lævateinn then and which cards does it link to? Also which other hidden gem does it hold a dark mythological fate for? I’m not telling you, but I will just say Loki and the Rooster. You'll have to see what you can dig up yourselves.

Oh so you want to know which two cards were hiding it? Well the clue is always in the object itself. 72 Læće & 34 Cealc. Here’s both the white silhouette and how Lævateinn actually appears on the cards:

7234 Lævateinn Poem

Gathered Apples of Discord deepen with distress as they wither in your hands

Transformed by the death of your previous Swelgnes.

Loki’s sword is a gift to prepare you for a vast dimensional portal.

It is the mettle you made as your personal solution.

It is the key to unlock Skuld’s portal.

You have quested and now it’s suggested you stop

And settle into living and loving yourself in this new now.

Well there’s just two more hidden images to go now to complete the set of Hidden Gems. Are you ready for the next one? Ok then here is the image for you to discover before the next new moon in Gemini on the 6th of June.

Just what is this, who made it & who wields it? More for you to puzzle out in the next four weeks. Good luck people.


Russell, Cathy & Eve

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