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Valkyrie Spread

The Valkyrie Origins

Valkyrie are war-goddesses. Their name means ‘Chooser of the Battle Fallen’. Valkyrie are found in various written sources and other cultural mythologies. In older Anglo-Saxon references they are called Wælcyrġe, Ides or Idisi. They appear in one tale as weaving the entrails of the battle slain to foretell the fates of future warriors. Details are often sketchy with many Valkyrie only appearing in lists of names. We’ve been channelling origin stories and energies for this Valkyrie Spread.

Valkyrie Spread

Each card in this nine-card spread is named after a Valkyrie.

Each row represents a theme.

1-3 Your current assignment.

4-6 Bindings you must shake off.

7-9 Understanding how to move on.

Shuffle the deck and lay out your nine cards as shown.

The Nine Valkyrie Cards

1 & 2: The Warp & Weft

The reading begins with the two card energies that are informing both your life and this reading. The current background energies supporting your now-tapestry. The meanings behind these two names suggest the Battle until Peace. These two cards are the energies around you causing certain behaviours and amplifying any stuck cycles.

Let’s look closer into each card and the energetic position they represent for you in this reading.

1 Hildr - Warp - Battle

Hildr’s warp/battle energy asks us to question the journey from having been the child of others to one of adult partnered intimacy. Hildr asks us to seek blissful wisdom forged from battle scars. By our seeking greater calm and comfort in being more singular in our personality-truth, we must learn to accept there are intimacies that always shine a deeper truth that is not for all those we love. Love is multi-faceted.

Runes linked with Hildr:

19 Eh “Charge…!”

8 Wynn “Bliss Stirring”

Mentioned in: Prose Edda, Völuspá, Grímnismál, Darraðarljóð, Nafnaþulur

2 Eir - Weft - Peace, Clemency. Help, Mercy

Goddess or Valkyrie associated with mystical healing and resurrection. Physical healing is seen as the great art of Eir but she is about physical healing to open space for spirit to bind firmer to the body. To be more deeply alive. The peace Eir brings to Hildr’s battle.

Runes linked with Eir:

54 Wætergefeall “Eir is here”

45 Nīewe “Recoded and returned”

61 Healð “Mind, body, soul & biome”

Mentioned in: Prose Edda, Poetic Edda book Skáldskaparmál, Nafnaþulur

3 Svipul - Threads - Changeable

Threads: The energetic tools you have right now to control your space. The skills you can tap into on this Valkyrie realm glimpse.

The sudden change of fate associated with battle. With what do you equip yourself before entering a personal battle? What do you permit yourself to carry as your strengths?

Runes linked with Svipul:

72 Læće “Self wounded”

56 Vane “Self awareness”

57 Géotan “Self gutting”

Mentioned in: Poetic Edda book Skáldskaparmál, in Darraðarljóð, Nafnaþulur

4 Herfjötur - Fetters or Fetter of the Army - What Binds You

Fetter: Thoughts and emotions replaying tussles that hold us in the past. The things we bind ourselves with.

Determines fortunes and fates. Hampers enemies. Idisi reference. Like Fortune’s Wheel

Runes linked with Herfjötur:

15 Eolhx “The power to hem in and control”

3 Þorn “The power to inflict unnecessary hurt”

Mentioned in: Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál, Prose Edda, Nafnaþulur

5 Þögn - Silence - Need to Say

Silence: The things you never dare to voice that require form to understand their purpose.

The choice of silence like a vow? The power of silence and actions not prevarications. The space between times and dimensions.

Runes linked with Þögn:

10 Nȳd - “The Golden Key of Þögn”

66 Twelf “The lock is located in silence”

71 Cnafa “The key is fashioned from busted traditions”

Mentioned in: Prose Edda, Nafnaþulur

6 Skögul - Release - Shaker or High Towering

Release: What’s holding you back is fruitless? What unspoken treasures should be voiced as totems or talismans?

Enacting a shedding of resolved issues. Skögul and Geirskögul are often seen as the same being. Shaking free is done by both versions of you.

Runes linked with Skögul:

18 Beorc “Renewing”

38 Næht “Troll contract”

76 Hel “Hold tight to your light”

Mentioned in: Hákonarmál, Völuspá, Grímnismál, Nafnaþulur

7 Raandgrið - Shield Truth or Shield Destroyer - Self Protection

Shield Truth: What power from Raandgrið is within you as a power?

Raandgrið proposes solutions that are far outside our usual thinking. She seeks to remove the shields that hold you back.

Runes linked with Raandgrið:

29 Eorðrap “Desiccated existence”

69 Wacan “New outlooks”

Mentioned in: Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál, Prose Edda, Nafnaþulur

8 Ráðgrid - Council Truth or the Bossy - Elven Light

Council Truth: The energy or advice from the Liffruma Elven Ring.

The Elven Ring Council. The hive frequency of Liffruma. Love is the answer and if that seems bossy that’s your personal perception. The Elven Council offer a new sacred shield for your journey forward.

Runes linked with Ráðgrid:

23 Ēðel “Core code”

36 Ægishjalmur “Shielding”

58 Liffruma “Love”

Mentioned in: Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál, Prose Edda, Nafnaþulur

9 Reginleif - Power Truce or Daughter of the Gods - Your Light

Power Truce: Appreciating how to work collectively to open your greatest opportunities.

What tune sings from within your soul as you move forwards from this moment. Which Gods are walking with you just now?

Runes linked with Reginleif:

5 Rād “Truer path”

24 Dæg “New you”

74 Gaderung “Invitation to gathering”

Mentioned in: Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál, Prose Edda, Nafnaþulur

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5 Σχόλια

Gea Kuil
25 Μαρ

Another possible spread:

The ‘Leafshade’ spread

5 cards

Circle them (clockwise) starting from the top.


  1. What do I gotta to do?

  2. How to write a new song?

  3. How to express the heat running through my veins?

  4. How to express & enhance excitement and liveliness?

  5. How to deal with the intolerable?

Feel free to use and adjust it in any way.

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Μου αρέσει

07 Μαρ 2023

I am loving this spread!! I am excited! I can't wait to work my magic with the Liffruma Oracle deck! In love!!!

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12 Μαρ 2023
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I’m so pleased you love it. There feels like a lot of you in the deck so it should sing to you easily 😮 🎶

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Chakra Meditation
Chakra Meditation
27 Φεβ 2023

I’ll need to see an example reading for this one.

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27 Φεβ 2023
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Will offer instructions once people have decks themselves to play along with 😊

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